A new app developed at a wearable-tech hack day promises to show what
your partner sees during sex - and means you could even turn off the
lights with just your voice
How to make sex 'more awesome' using Google Glass
new app developed at a wearable-tech hack day promises to show what
your partner sees during sex - and means you could even turn off the
lights with just your voice
Sex with Glass Photograph: Sex with Glass
Would you wear a pair of Google glasses while having sex? Would
being able to see what your partner is seeing make you more or less
likely to? Sex with Glass, a new app in development for Google Glass, hopes the answer is yes.
The project started off with the question "how can we make sex more
awesome with Google Glass", says Sherif Maktabi, the founder of the
The answer to that question is, apparently, shared live streaming,
ephemeral video recording and voice controls for your connected home.
Sex with Glass Photograph: Sex with Glass
Maktabi, a Lebanese product design student at London's Central Saint
Martins art college, had only one day with the smart-glasses at a
hackathon held in November 2013, but development has continued in the
months since then.
The cornerstone of Sex with Glass is the shared live streaming: "See
what your partner can see… Just say 'OK glass, it’s time' and Glass will
stream what you see to each other. And if you feel like stopping
everything, just ask: 'OK glass, pull out'."
"Some people find what we do repulsive," Maktabi says. "But a lot of
other people – and I am basing this from the emails we are getting
online – really desire to try this. People have fantasies, desires and
needs. It's personal.
"What they do with that is up to them. Guilt, dogma and shame is
something we still widely experience when it comes to sex and how we
talk about it."
Sex with Glass. Photograph: Sex with Glass
As well as sharing viewpoints, the app also offers video to users
who want to replay the night – although the videos are deleted
automatically five hours after they are created.
On top of that, if the user's home is wired up correctly, the app can
control other the lights and music, as well as present a virtual Kama
Sutra to anyone who needs inspiration.
Reaction to the app has been mixed. Maktabi cites responses "that
range from 'I want to have this now because I want to try it with my
boyfriend'", to "I want to write about the anthropological impact of
this app on…", and adds that his favourites are "those anonymous
messages that just say 'awesome'".
But others have pointed out that the promotion for the app doesn't
match up with the egalitarian promises: most of the images are
sexualised photos of women, the advertising slogans assume heterosexual
couples, and some of the statements are just plain odd ("You'll be able
to watch your videos for five hours until they are deleted forever.
That's for all the ladies out there.")
Since the Hackathon, the team has grown to include Sabba Keynejad and
Satara Achilles, a pair of graphic designers from Central Saint
Martins, and an iPhone app is now in the works, to be launched in early
Despite Google's crackdown on other sexy Glass apps, including a ban on sexually explicit content,
Maktabi sounds unconcerned about its response: "People at Google know.
And they are happy and had a good laugh. But I don't know what Google
'the thing' thinks of what we are doing."
• Is Google Glass just the latest toy for Silicon Valley boys?