Amazon's New Docker Management Solution

Amazon's New Docker Management Solution
Amazon Web Services has launched a new management solution for Docker containers for developers.

A new tool has been launched by Amazon Web Services (AWS) to help developers better handle Docker container management. AWS runs an Elastic Computing Cloud (EC2), however there were gaps in its functionality for some developers, particularly when handling Docker containers. Even though Amazon describes EC2 as a "simple web service interface [that] allows you to obtain and configure capacity with minimal friction," it was not perfect. A solution is the EC2 Container Registry (ECR). Dr. Werner Volgels, CTO of Amazon, explained that this tool represents "one of the core pieces missing in EC2." According to director of engineering and operations over at AWS, Andrew Thomas, "you can easily push your container images to Amazon ECR using the Docker CLI from your development machine, and Amazon ECS can pull them directly for production deployments."

From within the cloud computing arena, competition is fierce, with players such as AWS going up against the likes of newer and more revolutionary cloud processing services all the time. But tools such as ECR place Amazon in a very good spot, as it offers unique advantages to developers. "Running Docker on AWS provides a highly reliable, low-cost way to build, run, test, and deploy distributed applications at any scale," explained Amazon, and ECR expands these possibilities even further. "Cloud has removed all the constraints that we used to have," added Vogels, "everything that used to be hardware is now software." 

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