How to Play Wheel of Fortune on the iPhone

If you've been looking for an iPhone or iPod Touch game that's fun, easy to play and even educational, look no further than Sony's Wheel of Fortune, based on the ever-popular television game show. This article will explain everything you need to know about the game, as well as tips and hints on winning.


  1. Image titled Play Wheel of Fortune on the iPhone Step 1
    Log into your App Store account (via your iPhone or iPod Touch) and type "Wheel of Fortune" in the Search bar. A handful of search results will show up on-screen. Press the first option, select Install, and the game should begin to download. The current price for the game on the App Store is $4.99 (USD).
  2. Image titled Play Wheel of Fortune on the iPhone Step 2
    Once the game is installed, press on the Wheel of Fortune icon to load the Main Menu. You should hear the theme music from the show as these options appear:
    • Play: Begins gameplay.
    • Career Stats: Shows records of your winnings and unlocked trophies from gameplay.
    • Options: Customize your avatar (created at first gameplay), turn game sound on/off, reset the game or reset tips.
    • Help: Information on how to play, controls, game modes, etc.
    • About: Game credits.
  3. Image titled Play Wheel of Fortune on the iPhone Step 3
    Select Play to begin the game. Upon doing so you should see this menu:
    • Normal: Begins standard gameplay.
    • Toss-Up Game: Begins a quick, single-player toss-up game.
  4. Image titled Play Wheel of Fortune on the iPhone Step 4
    Select Normal Game. Choose the level of difficulty or if you wish to play a single-player game.
  5. Image titled Play Wheel of Fortune on the iPhone Step 5
    The game will begin with a Toss-Up Round, worth $1,000. You will have several seconds to click Solve as the letters are filled in on the board. If another player solves before you, they are rewarded the $1,000, or vice versa.
  6. Image titled Play Wheel of Fortune on the iPhone Step 6
    After a second Toss-Up Round (worth $2,000), the main portion of the game will begin. Either you or the player who solved the previous Toss-Up will get to spin first.
    • On your turn, spin the wheel by dragging your finger across the on-screen arrow. After a few seconds, the wheel will stop on a monetary wedge, and you will be able to select a letter. If it stops on Bankrupt or Lose A Turn, you will not be able to call a letter. If the wheel stops on Free Spin, Wild Card or the Million Dollar Wedge, you will be able to "pick up" those wedges and use them for later in the game. Free Spin allows you to keep if your turn if you lose it, and the Wild Card allows you to call another consonant for the value you landed on after calling a correct consonant.
      Image titled Play Wheel of Fortune on the iPhone Step 6Bullet1
    • Call a consonant by selecting from the on-screen alphabet. Letters that have already been called will appear faded in the box. If you call a letter that the puzzle contains, you will receive the monetary value for it and it will appear on the board. If not, you will lose a turn. After calling a correct consonant, you can call a vowel if you have at least $250.
  7. Image titled Play Wheel of Fortune on the iPhone Step 7
    Repeat these steps as you complete the puzzle. There are several more rounds, including a Jackpot and Mystery Round.
    • In the Jackpot Round, there will be a Jackpot that starts at $5,000 and increases by the value of each spin. If you land on the Jackpot wedge and call a correct letter, you'll get the opportunity to solve the puzzle for the value of the Jackpot. Correctly solving the puzzle earns you the value of the Jackpot along with the amount you accumulated during the round.
    • In the Mystery Round, there will be two Mystery wedges on the wheel. If you land on one of them and call a correct letter, you'll have the choice of taking $1,000 per appearance of the letter you chose, or risking your current winnings to see what's behind the wedge you landed on. If you choose to flip the wedge, you'll either get a Bankrupt or a prize. If it's the prize, you'll claim it if you win the round with it in your possession.
  8. Image titled Play Wheel of Fortune on the iPhone Step 8
    Try making it to the Bonus Round. This is the last part of the gameplay, and you can win up to a million dollars (if you have the Million Dollar wedge) by correctly solving the final puzzle.
  9. Image titled Play Wheel of Fortune on the iPhone Step 9
    Spin the Bonus Wheel, then select your letters. As in the TV version, you will be able to select three consonants (four with the Wild Card) and one vowel.
  10. Image titled Play Wheel of Fortune on the iPhone Step 10
    Try to correctly solve the final puzzle. You will have approximately two minutes to do so, and as many guesses as you like. Good luck!
  11. Image titled Play Wheel of Fortune on the iPhone Step 11
    If you correctly solve the puzzle, the timer will stop and you will receive your bonus wedge winnings. If time runs out and you didn't solve, you won't receive the additional earnings, but will "take home" the amount you won in the previous rounds.
  12. Image titled Play Wheel of Fortune on the iPhone Step 12
    Before returning to the Main Menu, check out your game stats. As mentioned earlier, it will display your winnings, trophies, cash rewards, etc.
  13. Check out : HOW TO MAKE AN IPHONE APP

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