9 Ways Cosplayers Can Beat the Heat

Cosplayers are delicate, precious cinnamon rolls that need care and attention at conventions since it's incredibly easy to overload, overwork, and miss food/sleep/breaks. It's no wonder that many cosplayers become exhausted or sick during or right after a con!
With summer coming up in many countries, here are some tips to help cosplayers beat the heat if they cannot avoid the summer sun.

1. Stay in the Shade

Take breaks in air conditioned buildings or carry around an umbrella to stay out of the sun. Trees, tents, gazebos, or awnings are also good places to relax in the shade. Either way, stay out of direct sunlight for as long as possible.

2. Feel the Breeze

Near bodies of water there tends to be a breeze which can help cool you off. If there is none, bring a fan (electronic or a paper fan).

3. Hydrate Correctly

Drink some water every 15 minutes if you're sweating or dehydrated. Bring big cool water bottles. DO IT.

4. Avoid Caffeine

Coffee, tea, sodas or energy drinks will actually pull water from your body and make you more dehydrated. INSTEAD, drink sports drinks that are designed to replenish your body's electrolytes that help keep you hydrated.
EXPERT TIP*** Pick the clear flavored ones so you don't stain your cosplays or mouth.

5. Choose Summer Cosplays Carefully

Pick light colored cosplays to help reflect the heat. Find designs that are loose and breezy. Cotton type fabrics will be your best friend so your skin can breathe and sweat won't be trapped inside. Also, cosplays with hats will help keep your head cool in the sun.
EXPERT TIP*** Sew in vents inside your costume so heat can escape and you can get airflow. You can look at fishing shirts or other outdoor shirts for ideas.

6. Rest

Your body becomes exhausted faster in the hea than in cold weather. Be sure to take breaks to rest and relax (hopefully in the shade). 15 minute power naps in your hotel room are great in between photo shoots.

7. Know your Limits

While having fun at conventions it's easy to skip taking care of yourself. Be mindful of how long you have been in the heat and let your friends know. People will understand.

8. Know the Signs of Heat Illness

There have been quite a few cosplayers who have fallen victim to the heat at cons so be on the look out for these basic symptoms of heat exhaustion: dizziness, headaches, nausea, muscle cramps, or stomach aches.
If you feel this way, rest in a cool area, drink up to 2 quarts of water within the hour and relax.
BE AWARE, if you do not take care of yourself (or others) quick enough, it can lead to Heat Stroke. It includes profuse sweating, convulsions and chills, confusion/mumbling, and vomiting. If you have ANY of these signs, tell someone you have a medical emergency and need help. This is a serious condition. If you're alone, strip and cover your body with cool water from a bath or use a garden hose. You can also put ice packs in your groin and armpit areas.

9. Plan Ahead

If you know you will be outside for more than an hour in hot conditions with no cool areas to rest or water on site: bring water, bring shade, wear correct attire, and bring a friend. Having a handler could save your life (or at least your photo shoot).

If you aren't a cosplayer, these are great ways to help a cosplayer in need. Be aware of the signs and ask if anyone needs help. You could save the day! Or at least make a new friend!

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