Know the consequences of using headphones for a long time

There may be several side effects of using headphones for long periods of time:

1. Hearing over headphones in loud voice can cause ear pain, can also cause ear curtains to burst and you can become deaf.
2. Headphones or earphones When you share with someone else, bacteria can get into each other's ear, which can cause an ear infection. So always clean headphones and earphones with sanitize.
Know the consequences of using headphones for a long time
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3. Using the headphones for a long time makes the ears numb, due to which your hearing power gradually starts to decrease.
4. Hearing with headphones in high voice can cause pain not only in the ear but also in the areas around the ear.

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5. The use of headphones for a long time also affects our brain. Due to the interconnecting of the ear and brain, when headphones are used directly near the ear, they affect our brain badly. The electromagnetic waves emanating from it are harmful to our brain.

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6. When using headphones, we are cut off from the world, cut off. So many times if someone is talking to us or someone is giving a voice, then we do not hear and in times of need it can become a threat to us.

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7. If you fall asleep listening to songs at night, it can prove very dangerous for your ear. Using headphones for more than 4 hours in a row causes bacteria inside your ear to grow twice as fast. 8. Long-term use of headphones also affects sleep and also makes people irritable.

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