Can peanut butter affect weight gain?

Peanuts are a nutrient dense food that contains vegetable proteins and healthful fats.
Overeating peanut butter may increase the number of calories and fat in someone's diet. If a person is eating more calories than they need, they may gain weight.
Peanut butter can be a nutritious food when people eat the right amount. In such instances, peanut butter may help a person with weight loss.
In this article, we discuss the effect of peanut butter on weight.

peanut butter on a knife that is sat on top of tub. It is good for a snack and weight gainShare on PinterestPeanut butter contains fats that are healthful for the body.If a person consumes more calories than they burn off, they may gain weight.
32 gram (g) portion (2 tbsp) of peanut butter contains 190 calories and 16 g of fat, which is 21% of a person's recommended daily value of fat.
Although peanut butter contains high levels of calories and fat, it may not encourage long-term weight gain when eaten as part of a balanced diet.
Although peanut butter contains high levels of fat, it contains low levels of saturated fats and significant amounts of good fats that are healthful for the body.
Peanut butter may also help people fill fuller, so they may not need to eat so much.
studyTrusted Source published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition analyzed the relation between protein-rich foods and weight.
The researchers found that peanut butter was associated with mild weight loss when individuals consumed it in place of some carbohydrates.

As well as being high in fat, peanut butter also contains high levels of protein.
A small studyTrusted Source looked at nutritional strategies employed by 51 competitive bodybuilders and found that they consumed more protein and carbohydrates and lower amounts of fat.
According to researchersTrusted Source, the recommended dietary protein intake for bodybuilders in the off-season is 1.6–2.2g per kilogram of body weight a day.
studyTrusted Source published in Obesity showed that a high protein diet was effective in helping male participants lose weight and body fat while preserving lean body mass.
The study lasted just 12 weeks, so researchers are unclear whether people who continue to follow the diet for more than the 3 months will maintain the muscle mass.
Since bodybuilders strive for high muscle mass and lean body mass, peanut butter, and other types of nut butter may be a beneficial food choice.

Studies have demonstrated that peanut butter may help people lose weight.
According to researchers, there is an association between those who eat nuts daily, including peanuts, and a lower risk of obesity.
A large study conducted over 5 years, with participants from 10 European countries, supports this finding. The researchers concluded that those who ate the most amount of nuts, including peanuts, gained less weight and had a lower risk of having obesity over 5 years.
A small, short-term studyTrusted Source showed that resistance-trained athletes who lost weight by consuming a low calorie and high protein diet maintained lean body mass.
ResearchersTrusted Source have also demonstrated that people who eat nuts regularly may have a higher resting energy expenditure. People with higher resting energy expenditure may burn more calories during a nonactive period. This study only had 15 participants, so these findings require more research to support them.
This calorie-dense and high-fat food can help people feel fullTrusted Source. When people feel full, they are less likely to continue eating. Although peanut butter is high in calories, people may be less likely to overeat.
These findings suggest that nuts, including peanuts and peanut butter, can be a healthful food option for people who want to lose weight due to its high protein content.

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