How to differentiate clinically between LTB (croup) and epiglottitis

Which of the following best differentiates, by history, LTB (croup) from epiglottitis?
  • (A) Temperature
  • (B) Presence of inspiratory stridor
  • (C) Length of time from onset to defining symptom
  • (D) Lung field auscultation
  • (E) Presence or absence of dyspnea

The answer is C.
Croup, laryngeotrachiobronchitis, a viral illness with subglottic involvement, typically exhibits the symptoms of inspiratory stridor only after 12 to 24 hours of coryza, typical of a viral “cold.” Epiglottitis, which is a much more serious condition, begins suddenly. Epiglottitis is caused by bacterial infection with supraglottic involvement, classically by H.influenzae but also by S.aureus and Corynebacterium diphtheriae.

Although epiglottitis is characterized more by high fever than is croup, this appears to be a weak factor on which to base a preliminary diagnosis. Whereas croup virtually always includes a cough, epiglottitis rarely
does so. Epiglottitis typically includes dysphagia while croup does not. The child with croup is comfortable in all positions, whereas the patient with epiglottitis will be sitting forward with the mouth open. Both conditions are characterized by inspiratory dyspnea. Croup is benign and epiglottitis is potentially critical.

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