5- Inverse Psoriasis
These patches are shiny, bright red, and very sore.
The area around them is usually smooth and doesn’t have silver scales.
They appear only where skin touches skin, places called folds.
Common areas are the armpits, groin, genitals, buttocks, under the breasts, and behind the knee.
Rubbing and sweating can make the condition worse.
Many people who have it also have another type of psoriasis.
6- Pustular Psoriasis
This rare type might be a reaction to an infection, stress, medications, or contact with certain chemicals.
It causes red, swollen patches of skin with pus-filled bumps (called pustules).
When these dry out, they turn yellow-brown and scaly.
It usually shows up on the palms of your hands or the bottoms of your feet.
The blisters may break open, leaving skin cracked and painful.