Samsung To Pay Apple Half A Billion In Patent Dispute

A five-year patent dispute between tech juggernauts Samsung and Apple tentatively came to an end Thursday, with Samsung agreeing to pay out $548 million in damages. 

The two companies filed a joint court statement that agreed to give Samsung 10 days to make the full payment. 
The hefty payment was part of a billion dollar sum that was handed to Apple by a jury during 2012 proceedings. Samsung appealed the jury's ruling, cutting the total amount of damages roughly in half. Though the final payment has already been agreed on, the patent dispute is far from over. 
According to BBC News, a U.S. court will decide next year if Apple deserves more damages. Samsung is also entitled to reimbursements pending successful appeals on patents that are deemed invalid by the court. 

The massive clash between two tech behemoths is far from over
The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is currently reviewing a number of Apple's patents.
Samsung said in a statement:
"Samsung further reserves all rights to reclaim or obtain reimbursement of any judgment amounts paid by Samsung to any entity in the event the partial judgment is reversed, modified, vacated or set aside on appeal or otherwise, including as a result of any proceedings before the USPTO addressing the patents at issue or as a result of any petition for writ of certiorari filed with the Supreme Court."
One particular point of contention will be the "pinch to zoom" feature that has already been ruled invalid by the USPTO. According to BBC News, Apple is appealing that ruling. If they are successful in their appeal, they will be entitled to more damages.  


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  1. Then, will be there apple technology in Samsung phones soon?
    Wow... It is a good work

    1. 100% Yes
      You check out the

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